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The Practice of Statistics in the Life Sciences

Written By Baldi, Brigitte and Moore, David S.
2013, Edition 3
Category: Biological Sciences
Level: Introductory

W.H. Freeman
41 Madison Ave.
New York, New York 10010
United States of America
URL: http://www.whfreeman.com/
Phone: 212-576-9493

About This Book

This remarkably engaging textbook gives biology students an introduction to statistical practice all their own. It covers essential statistical topics with examples and exercises drawn from across the life sciences, including the fields of nursing, public health, and allied health. Based on David Moore’s The Basic Practice of Statistics, PSLS mirrors that #1 bestseller’s signature emphasis on statistical thinking, real data, and what statisticians actually do. The new edition includes new and updated exercises, examples, and samples of real data, as well as an expanded range of media tools for students and instructors.

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